McGrath Alaska
Welcome to
Where every passerby gives you a friendly wave "hello!"
Welcome to the NEW website designed specifically for the residents of McGrath, Alaska and the Upper Kuskokwim region. Those of you who will be coming to McGrath on business, for adventure, hunting & fishing or to attend meetings and special events, this website is for you, too!
The domain name is new…it’s now www.McGrathAK.com. To make this website as your Home Page in your browser, follow these directions for the browser that you use. http://www.pcworld.com/article/241716/how_to_change_your_web_browser_home_page.html
As the website is further developed, you’ll discover many more useful and entertaining pages and resources.
As you’ll see, the familiar McGrath Community Message Board is still available.
If you’d like to see a particular feature added to this website, just drop a line to info@mcgrathak.com and we’ll consider incorporating it in the near future.
BUSINESS DIRECTORY: We need YOUR help! Please check out the Business Directory on the top ribbon. There are undoubtedly a number of updates, additions and corrections that need to be made. Please send your updates to
kuskomama@gmail.com so that they can be made promptly.
REAL ESTATE: Property owners are encouraged to list your properties (homes, land) that are currently For Sale or For Rent by going to the Real Estate page.
JOBS: Looking for employment or have an employment position available? Get the word out to the widest possible audience through our Monster link.
ADVERTISING opportunities will be made available at very low, reasonable prices to the many businesses, agencies, services and non-profits serving the region and that information will be made available soon, as well.
Some new pages are in the process of being designed and have not yet launched.
On the near horizon, there will be a place to share:
** FREE Classified Ads with photos,
** Link a FREE ad in the Gift Shop, showcasing your own Arts & Crafts with a link to your own Etsy, Shopify or other online store,
** Find out about the unique types of activities that McGrath and the Upper Kuskokwim region has to offer, and providing a location for those having businesses to advertise here.
Photos are always being sought and if you’d like to share your photos online, with photo credit, give us a shout and email your particularly outstanding photos that convey the beauty and spirit of this unparalleled region of Alaska.
A photo/model release and possibly a request for a high-resolution copy may be requested.
Check back often! New features will be added soon.